Head to Head

The topic discussed in the Big GA was “Sustainable Development in the Middle East and Northern Africa”, which started with a lobbying and merging session on Monday, November 9th 2015. The latter went as following: they all discussed their countries’ foreign policies as well as their ideologies and such, to help them decide who to co-submit with. That being said, the main submitters were USA and China, each writing a resolution of their own.

The group supporting China, divided themselves into three groups to assure organisation; one group was discussing the economical aspects for the resolution, the second one was responsible for environmental issues, and the third group made a point of discussing the social aspects to take into consideration when writing a resolution.

The group representing the United States of America came up with a few solutions to form the necessary clauses; one of them being increasing trades between the MENA -Middle East Northern Africa- countries to take part in the economical development, seeing as some countries have products to export that can definitely help other countries.

Following the before-stated lobbying and merging session, the actual Big GA took place the following day, with the main submitters having had submitted their resolutions earlier.

The first resolution submitted was that of the United States of America, which hinted on financial aid from more developed countries to those who are less developed. They also mentioned social equality, which had in thought gender equity to provide a stable and friendly society to live in.

Countries like Ukraine spoke in favour for the resolution submitted by USA, while other countries like Iraq and China spoke against it, which later on resulted in the passing of the resolution with a clear majority of votes.

Following the coffee break, the presidency asked the Chinese ambassador to step up and read their submitted resolution, which had as clauses solutions like using fossil fuel energy and starting educational programs to the youth and to the poor. They also had a solution that was basically starting a donation box, in which countries would donate money that would fund sustainable projects.

What we’re wondering is whether or not the Chinese resolution passed and if so, which of them got the most votes…

Alia Shaban

Carla Dimitri

Mohamed Metwally

Jannah Gamal

Ingy Heshmat

Karma Sowar

Ahmed Omar