A crisis took place on November 8th 2015 in the Environment Committee. Twitter was used as the main source of news. The issue faced was the extensive amount of CO2 emission present today. The Greenpeace association is performing imperative tests revolving around CO2 emissions. Richard Sinclair announced that CO2 emissions have grown exponentially in India over the last two weeks. The delegates were allowed twenty minutes of lobbying and merging. They researched and discussed solutions. They had to write five directives, vote on them and do a Q&A for Richard Sinclair. The delegation of the Republic of India was very much involved in the debate.

A directive urged to stop any industrial work that causes the production of carbon dioxide, but instead uses renewable energy. This directive passed with a clear majority. Another one plead for a twenty-four hour curfew to be issued due to the acidic rain. This directive also passed with a clear majority.  During the debate for the first directive, Richard walked in and was able to answer some questions. An important question was asked; is it affecting other nations? And if so how can we prevent it? His answer reassured the committee that it is not affecting neighbouring countries, nonetheless the problem should be dealt with immediately to prevent any further harm. In conclusion, the discussion about the crisis was difficult. Nonetheless the delegates presented well-thought out solutions. This is an actual crisis that we face on a daily basis, therefore everyone should search for a solution in their own community – not just the environment commission.

Doreen Shenawy