Crisis in the special conference!

On the 2nd day of OISMUN, the committee of special conference was working on the crisis topic. The discussion was about how Israel attacked Syria and how the latter returned the attack. Israel retired for a while because they lost a lot of troops.

In this committee, the delegates were working on this topic in order to find solutions. Every delegate who had a suggestion for a solution should directly presents it to the main-submitter. The delegates then choose whether to approve the solutions or not. As a result, a lot of these were not accepted, while some got approved. Definitely, the tweets kept showing during the conference.Screen Shot 2015-11-09 at 4.52.51 PM

After a while, the committee profoundly discussed the crisis. The delegation of the United States of America made a speech to present their deepest sorrow. There was a debate between the delegate of the Arab Republic of Egypt and the delegation of the Republic of Poland following the speech the United States of America made, and the discussion the president of Israeli had with the delegates.

At the end, they were supposed to vote for or against the speech that USA made. When they voted, the majority was against the resolution.

Mahmoud Arafa
Menna Asran